jag har varit dålig på att uppdatera men orkar helt enkelt inte. hah, Men iallafall igår var det New years Eve and me and emily went to Albuquerque, We were hangin' out with some dudes hehe. and im telling you I was trippin' haha it was so much fun! Well anyway it was way different then Sweden they didnt have fireworks, well some of them did but their tradition over here is to shoot with their guns! kinda scary. But they were shooting with them straight up in the air so they did not hit someone, and yea I miss my new years kiss. Well we spend the night over there and I woke up around 1 so it was pretty chill. How was your new years eve?
School starts on monday, dont look forward to it at all!But it feels like this semester is going to be over pretty soon, I mean this fall went by so fast, imagine this spring then :/. But I miss all my friends and my family so its going to be nice to come back home, but still.. I dont want to leave America. But im sure Ill be back some day. :)
some ego pics from New Years eve, sorry didnt have my camera with me to the party.

konstig bild jag vet haha.
1 kommentar:
Kul med bilder :) Min nyårskväll vet du redan om:) Ja nu vänder det, över halva tiden har gått!
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