onsdag 20 augusti 2008


Hi! today, after school I met the crosscountry when I was out running. So I decided to go running with them and I liked it! =) So Im going to join the team. its going to be very hard in the beginning, but eventually I will be good at it. And hopefully in a good shape in the end of the year. They run like 2 miles everyday (5 km) after school, and on the weekends there are competitions, and Im going to be all over the state. So Im going to see a lot of different places. =)

Well now I have to go do my homeworks! :( And Im going to talk to Mr Carson about changing my schedule tomorrow.

1 kommentar:

Anonym sa...

2 miles ar 3,2 km :) Vill ocksa joina XC men min skola har inget lag.. :/