fredag 22 augusti 2008


hi again, Now im home, and Im going to do homework and then take a shower and just chill. I ran today, but only 3 laps , this air is killing me, it so thin! But I like the crosscountry team =)
And Auto Cad is like drawing houses and stuff like that on the computer, like an architect. haha and I'm the only girl in that class haha xD
I have to go up early tomorrow :( 7 am ! because I need to go to the meeting and then after that we'll maybe go to albuquerque :D I really hope so! But I don't have that much money left! I have to pay 2 dollars for school lunch every day so thats about 50 dollars every month for just school food! And I need all my school stuff and school clothes, Crosscountry clothes, there's a lot of stuff you need for school here that costs money. And I need to buy a phone!.

well back to my homework :(

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